Curried Burrata and Asparagus Salad
This simple recipe is amazing for a beautiful side dish to seafood and chicken, or as an alternative to a salad. Especially right now as asparagus is growing fresh and beautiful.


1 Bunch Asparagus
1 Ball of Burrata
2 tsp Curry Powder
1 Tbl IT SAUCE Charapita
1 Tbl Honey
2 Tbl Sherry Vinegar
1 Egg Yolk
Salt and Pepper
2 Tbl Olive Oil
Pistachios and Parmesan to Garnish
1. Blanch asparagus and shock in ice water.
2. In a mixing bowl, add Honey, Charapita, Vinegar and Egg Yolk, whisk.
3. While continuously whisking, slowly drizzle in Olive Oil to emulsify.
4. Serve family style on a large platter, tear burrata and season with curry powder, drizzle with your vinaigrette and enjoy!