Fried Cauliflower and Romesco
If you haven't had fried cauliflower, you need to try it. Frying it brings out a beautiful nuttiness. A classic pairing with romesco.


- 28oz Can of San Marzano Tomatoes, drained
- 3 Heads of Cauliflower
- 1 Cup Smoked Almonds
- 12oz Jar of Roasted Red Peppers, drained
- Hot Sauce to Taste (We like IT SAUCE, Criolla-Honey)
- 1 Tbl Cumin
- 1 Tbl Smoked Paprika
- 2 Tbl Red Wine Vinegar
- 1/4 Cup Olive Oil, Plus Oil for Frying
- 2 Tbl Honey
- Salt and Pepper to Taste
- Grated Parmesan to Taste
1. Combine Tomatoes, Almonds, Red Peppers, Hot Sauce, Cumin, Smoked Paprika, Red Wine Vinegar, Olive Oil and Honey in a blender.
2. Season with Salt and Pepper to taste.
3. Cut Cauliflower into thick steak like pieces from top to bottom.
4. If you have a deep fryer, take this route. If not, heat up a cast iron skillet with a good layer of Olive Oil, maybe 1/2 inch over medium heat.
5. When oil is hot, fry cauliflower for 3-4 minutes per side, until golden brown.
6. Remove from the pan and immediately season with Salt and Pepper.
7. Fresh grate parmesan over cauliflower and serve with Romesco sauce.