Risotto is an extremely versatile, intensely flavored arborio rice dish. We'll be making it with spring vegetables like asparagus and spring peas, but you can take what you learn about risotto and make it hundreds of different ways!
This was from our 3rd Instagram LIVE cook! You can still find the video on our IGTV Series if you'd like to watch how we make it. Sometimes visuals are helpful especially with something new like risotto!

IT SAUCE glazed salmon with spring risotto

-Salmon (~8oz per person)
-Salt and Pepper
1 1/2 Cups Arborio Rice
7 Cups Chicken Stock
3 Tbl Olive Oil
1/2 Cup Dry White Wine
-1 Bunch Asparagus
-2 Shallots Diced
-1 Cup [Spring] Peas
-3 Tbl Chopped Chives
-1 Stick Butter
-1/2 Cup Freshly Grated Parmesan

STEP ONE: Start your risotto first. Add your Olive Oil and Diced Shallots to a low-medium heat pan. You want to sweat the shallots without getting any color on them. 
STEP TWO: When the shallots are a little translucent you can add all of the arborio rice and the 1/2 cup of white wine. Stir constantly while the rice is absorbing the wine.
STEP THREE: Once the wine is all absorbed by the rice, start adding the chicken stock one cup at a time, stirring constantly until each cup is absorbed. When there is about 2 cups left, you can add your chopped asparagus and spring peas to the mix.
STEP FOUR: Finish your risotto. Once all of the chicken stock is absorbed and your veggies are slightly cooked, you can add your stick of butter and the 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese. Combine and set aside so you can work on your salmon.
STEP FIVE: You can grill your salmon on cedar planks or you can pan sear it. Here's how! Get a pan with oil hot, and wait for the oil to start to ripple. Once you know the oil is hot you can carefully add your salmon to the pan, skin side up. Resist the temptation to move the salmon around the pan. When you can see nice browning around the edge of your fish, you're ready to flip. (Salmon should release nicely from the pan when it's ready). Flip and cook skin side down for roughly two minutes, until desired doneness is achieved. Glaze with IT SAUCE as it's cooking.
STEP FIVE: If your risotto has cooled down, add back to the heat. Plate when everything is nice and warm and ENJOY!

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